Chiropractic Testimonials

"I initially sought treatment at aAvancé Chiropractic Healthcare due to suffering from chronic lower back pain for numerous years. The ever-worsening condition had affected every facet of my life. I was unable to lift my nieces and nephew without fear of greater injury. I was unable to confidently perform routine tasks at home. I was unable to assist my aging parents with simple tasks.
I was basically living a compromised life due to fear of either permanent injury or needing a surgical intervention. Friends recommended Drs. Duffer and Long so I thought I would see what the fuss was all about. After an initial intake discussion/exam and a series of xrays, an understanding of the root cause of my pain was evident, and an aggressive treatment plan was devised. I adhered strictly to the treatment plan and the results have been staggering. I am pain free most days and my confidence has greatly improved. I can lift my nieces and nephew. I can perform tasks at home without pain and can assist my parents when necessary. And I recently started hiking again; something I haven’t been able to enjoy in years. I am virtually pain free for the first time in ~7 years. I will absolutely continue treatment at aAvancé with the intention of preserving the complete mobility I never expected to regain. I highly recommend this practice to my friends and family members."
- Tish F. / Dickinson, Texas

"I initially started coming for migraine headaches. These extreme migraine headaches started around 1:00 in the afternoon and would last throughout the night. My dear friend, who is also a patient here, recommended that I come to aAvance Chiropractic Healthcare. She knew how much this was affecting my daily life. I literally walked out of the office and began to feel my headache subside as the day went on.
Even a year later I have not once experienced a migraine. After several treatments and adjustments over the year, my tennis elbow is gone, a pain in my side that I have had for over a year is almost gone. The intense pain from my shoulder to my neck is gone! One of the biggest things I just noticed today is that my dry cough, that I have had for almost two years due to Hashimotos is gone! Entirely gone! It is very emotional to know that I do not have to live with these ailments anymore. I never dreamed that chiropractic care could do so many things for my body. I have lots of hope and am very excited for the health of my future."
- Tammy C. / League City, Texas

"I had been struggling with sciatica for a couple of years and could not sit for long periods of time. It affected my ability to do many things like drive, enjoy movies and the theater, and sit in long meetings. I didn’t want to give up my active lifestyle but I was afraid that it was painfully affecting the rest of my life. A fellow runner, Ken Kruse, recommended Dr. Duffer. He shared with me how pleased he was with the work Dr. Duffer and Dr. Long did with him.
I had previously heard about chiropractic care for sciatica, but was skeptical. Ken’s experience and glowing comments about the staff convinced me to give aAvancé Chiropractic Healthcare a try. Since starting care my problem with my sciatic nerve has been resolved. I have also learned valuable lessons in stretching. Now I can comfortably take long drives and sit through long stretches without pain shooting down my leg. The stretching has helped to strengthen my back to help avoid future pain while maintaining a very active life. I’m back to running, biking, rowing, swimming, hiking and weight lifting. My hope is that through ongoing chiropractic care and maintaining a regular stretching program, I will be able to sustain a very active and relatively pain-free life."
- Ronald W. / Friendwood, Texas

"My girls, Livia & Piper, were constantly fighting illnesses like pneumonia and asthma. As a mother watching her children fight to breathe I was acutely aware of how uncomfortable and harmful this was to their bodies. We have friends of the family who recommended aAvancé Chiropractic Healthcare to help us look into those concerns. Dr. Long was amazing at putting the girls at ease during their treatments.
After getting the girls’ spines adjusted their bodies began to function as they were intended. The girls began to have less and less issues with their breathing and began to thrive. In fact, Piper has not needed an inhaler since starting treatment and Livia is stronger than she has ever been. I have hope that my beautiful daughters now have the chance to enjoy their childhood."
- Piper & Livia / League City, Texas
Knee Pain

"Years of physical labor and shift work have attributed to my chronic knee and back problems. Upon witnessing the positive changes in my wife, as a result of seeing Dr. Duffer, I knew aAvancé Chiropractic Healthcare would be right for me. Dr. Long has used multiple techniques to accommodate my specific injuries. I am glad my family has found doctors who facilitate our ability to live healthy lives.
When at work I have more confidence in my knee and low back and no discomfort for the entire shift. I look forward to continuing care. I want to increase my flexibility and mobility as well as prevent any long-lasting overuse injuries from my occupation."
- Matt B. / League City, Texas
Shoulder & Knee Pain

"I injured my shoulder years ago in a fall. It was to the point that is was difficult to pick anything up without assistance from my other arm. I was also having trouble with my knee after an ACL surgery. I had very little movement in the knee. I was at the point of not being able to play ball with my great nieces. My husband was the first to see Dr. Duffer. From talking with her, I realized that she could help me. I have known Dr. Duffer for many years.
I used to coach her and now she is coaching me. From her playing sports, training athletes, and now a doctor she understands and knows how to treat what ails you in the area of chiropractic. I am now able to use my shoulder like it was meant to be used. My knee is looking more like a knee should look. My shoulder is still weak but I can throw a ball again. Eventually, I will be able to walk faster as my knee is making process.
My hope for the future is to keep improving my strength and posture. I presented Dr. Duffer with two rare medical conditions (not shoulder or knee) that she has to work around. Both can interfere with a normal care. Dr. Duffer has worked around those issues and I am regaining strength, flexibility, and better posture. If I had not started seeing Dr. Duffer, I would have kept going downhill. Instead, I am climbing up that hill!!"
- Malinda B. / League City, Texas
Half Marathons / 10k's

"Originally, I came to aAvancé Chiropractic Healthcare as a result of a fall from a ladder which caused a myriad of back problems. These injuries prevented me from running on my daily jogs and competing in any half marathons. I have had chiropractic treatments in the past and knew it would help. I found out about Dr. Duffer from the “Next Door App”.
Following my course of care with Dr. Duffer and Dr. Long, and with the awesome therapies from Ms. April, I am back to my daily jogs and half marathon competitions: in fact, I recently set a personal record in a 10K race. I will continue with this great team at aAvancé to keep me moving and young!!"
- Ken K. / Friendswood, Texas

"I had pain in my hip and legs caused by DISH, a herniated disc and my sciatic nerve. I could barely walk. I had been to several doctors. I had neck fusion surgery, had two cortisone shots in my back and had seen a chiropractor and pain management doctors. I went to “The Joint” where they checked my x-rays and said they couldn’t help me but luckily they referred me to aAvancé Chiropractic Healthcare.
After being treated at aAvancé Chiropractic Healthcare I am walking normally, I’ve started exercising again, and doing other normal activities. I no longer feel like an invalid. I hope to continue seeing Dr. Duffer and Dr. Long on a regular basis to maintain my health."
- Earl J. / Webster, Texas

"I didn't think it was possible for anything to help my headaches. I'd lived with them for most of my life. Having a headache for three or four days out of the week just became my normal. Taking 600 milligrams of ibuprofen every four hours and sometimes missing out on life was just my normal. When you're inside that cycle of pain, and you live it every week, it's hard to see that shouldn't be considered normal.
It took my husband pointing it out to me and saying that I needed to TRY to do something about it. But I'd tried in the past (I've had headaches since I was 12), and doctors didn't have any effective answers for me. I was already seeing Dr. Duffer for a leg problem, after she'd fixed that I asked her if she thought she could do anything about my headaches. I'll be honest, I really didn't have much faith. Sure, she'd already fixed one problem, and I know how great she is, but I didn't have hope that anything could be done. But I thought, "What the heck, I'll give it a try". A few months later, and I can't believe it! My headaches are down to about once a week or two, and they are very mild. I have a science degree, so I factored in any other possible variables that could have correlated with this result - and there's nothing. Nothing changed except my treatments with Dr. Duffer & Dr. Long, and the results are remarkable! I'm so happy with my results I want to scream it from the rooftops! I would say I recommend aAvance Chiropractic Healthcare to everyone I know but the truth is I don't need to recommend it. Those who know me, know my history with headaches and my results speak for themselves."
- Christy H. / Clear Lake City, Texas

"The original problem that brought me into aAvancé Chiropractic Healthcare was my chronic neck pain. I had finally started to take care of my body by exercising but my neck was hindering me. I was determined not to let anything stop my progress to healthy living. My boss referred me to aAvancé Chiropractic Healthcare after I shared my problem with her. I quickly made an appointment.
My body feels great. Although my neck is a chronic issue, due to chiropractic care, it no longer hinders me. I have the care to help with my flexibility and to stop the issue from becoming worse. My workouts do not stop due to neck pain. I am on the road to healthy living! My hope is simple. I want to continue healthy living through the chiropractic care that I receive from Dr. Duffer and Dr. Long. Life is filled with blessings and surprises on our journey. aAvancé Chiropractic Healthcare has been both. Thank you for your amazing care and dedication."
- Carla C. / League City, Texas

"I was diagnosed with scoliosis two years ago by a spinal surgeon. The only help he could offer was spinal surgery. I decided that the risk involved in spinal surgery was too great. As the spinal problem progressed over time I developed breathing problems because of the misalignment of my spine. I was referred to Dr. Alyse Duffer, a chiropractor and DOT Certified Medical Examiner.
On my first visit Dr. Duffer performed a thorough examination to determine the causative factors and provided me with an excellent analysis of the issues involved. She provided me with an unrushed explanation of the proposed procedures and exercises. I was very impressed with Dr. Duffer’s professional knowledge and analysis. Through manipulation of my spine, electro therapy and an exercise regimen, Dr. Duffer was able to decrease my pain and relieve my breathing problems. As the result of the treatment I have been able to resume my daily activities to a degree that I have not known for years."
- Genevieve A., RN / Pearland, Texas

"Retirement means different things to everyone, for me it was to lie around, eat junk food and read, something I never had time for when working. After a year of doing NOTHING, Dr. Duffer entered my life to help me get back on track to a healthy lifestyle. Through exercise and body alignments I can truthfully say at 67, I’ve never felt better.
Dr. Duffer listens to my complaints of, “I hurt here or there,” she then adjusts my exercise plan to address my problem areas and follows up with the proper adjustments. I can’t praise her enough for helping me be the best I can be!!!!!"
- Beverly G. / Deer Park, Texas

"Wow! What a fabulous new wellness center. So proud of Dr. Duffer and can’t wait to get my treatments at aAvance Chiropractic Healthcare. AWESOME!!! Anyone looking for the BEST Chiropractor in the Clear Lake area…she is so awesome! Can’t wait for my friends and family to meet such a fabulous gal! Today I celebrate a big win! One year ago today I began training and have accomplished things I never thought possible!
Over this past year, I traded in some fat for muscle, enjoy running (who would have thunk), and have become a much stronger, faster, capable and smarter woman. My faith has increased & my health has been transformed. I was able to get off all prescription meds (blood pressure and thyroid, etc). The list goes on! I’m so blessed and thankful! Dr. Duffer, thank you for impacting my life in a HUGE way! Thank you for believing in me when I couldn’t believe in myself."
- Stacy M./ South Houston, Texas

"Dr. Duffer changed my life! Several years ago I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Prior to being treated by this amazing doctor, I was in severe pain and had difficulty getting through each day. My mobility was dramatically impaired and I spent most days depressed at the thought that I would never walk, exercise or enjoy life as I used to.
Using a personalized exercise program, nutritional guidance and a variety of gentle chiropractic treatments, I’m a new person. She helped me lose 40 pounds and I feel young and energetic. I walk without pain, ride my bike, bowl and do anything physical that I desire. Because of the creative way she continues to treat my disease, I look forward to living a pain free lifestyle with endless possibilities."
- Leslie M. / Pasadena, Texas

"After a debilitating accident skiing, which tore all the ligaments in my knees and injured my lower back, I had resigned to the fact that I would live in pain and not be able to function normally for the rest of my life. But, thanks to Dr. Duffer and her knowledge of the body and it’s mechanism of movement, I am able to run 5K’s and go for daily walks and lizard hunts with my precious “Cavaliers”. I look forward to a life of mobility."
- Rhonda T. / Clear Lake City, Texas

"At 51 years young, I have no plans of slowing down. I continue to participate in marathons, ½ marathons, triathlons, and mud runs. My ultimate goal is an Ironman. Dr. Duffer has been instrumental in keeping these dreams within my reach. Dr. Duffer has treated my countless injuries and put me right back in action whether I’m on the kayak, bike, trampoline, or track.
And, I AM PAIN FREE!!! She is the first person I go to immediately after each race, as I recognize her chiropractic treatment is an integral part in the recovery process. In addition, I recognize the compassion and caring Dr. Duffer gives each person that walks through her doors. She is genuinely concerned with the person as a whole. As a psychiatric nurse, I am proud to share a profession of healing and caring with such a devoted professional."
- Jeanette A. / Friendswood, Texas

"Sitting at a desk for 40+ years (and much of the time in front of a computer) has not been kind to my body. Fortunately I found Dr. Duffer. Now as I near retirement, I can thank Dr. Duffer for her adjustments, treatments, and “tough love” exercise guidance. With Dr. Duffer’s help, I’m enjoying an active lifestyle."
- Joyce S. / Seabrook, Texas
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
aAvancé Chiropractic Healthcare
14214 Highway 3 Suite A
Webster, TX 77598